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Zhou Gui - a highly fermented oolong produced in the north of Fujian, in the Wuyi mountains. It is a “close relative” of other highly fermented oolongs in the region, for example, Da Hong Pao, but differs from the latter in its unique taste.

Although the history of Zhou Gui dates back several centuries, it received mass recognition only in the 60s of the XIX century. Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture of China tea Zhou Gui assigned the status of the famous tea in the Middle Kingdom.

The aroma of dry leaf is spicy, with chocolate and woody notes.

Our Zhou Gui easily withstands up to 10-15 tea leaves by the pouring method.


The color of the infusion is caramel. The infusion has an aroma of cinnamon bark, a milky taste and a voluminous sweetish aftertaste.

Zhou gui

RUB 13.00Price
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