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Lao Te Guan Yin refers to Lao cha, or aged oolongs. Despite the fact that the raw material for its manufacture is Tie Guan Yin, many years of aging with periodic roasting turns it into a completely different kind of tea. This variety is aged for 1.5-2 years.

Over time, the green leaves the leaf - first it becomes gray-green, then yellowish-brown. The aroma changes beyond recognition. It has nuts, and dried fruits, and the subtle sweetness of candied fruits. The color of the infusion becomes more saturated, the taste is more dense and tart.

This tea enhances mood, gently tones.


The sweetness of yellow melon and roasted nuts are felt in the aroma of the infusion. Lao Te Kuan Yin gives a light red infusion, its deep taste with light astringency and notes of walnut speaks of years of aging.

Lao Tie Guan Yin

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